Friday 26 February 2016


Meditation is violence!
The peace is brought about by suppression of one set of thoughts by another(which are considered ideal ,desirable & holy) .
 The peace here is the peace at the end of warfare & is essentially a gap between two wars!
The so called spiritual experiences are fleeting & illusory. They are projection of one’s imagination born out of KNOWLEDGE of that supposedly meaningful & sacred experience. One tries to fit himself into the framework of spiritual experience of “teachers & gurus”
Psycho –somatic health at stake!
The forcibly altered physiology as in stopping the breath & flow of oxygen to the  brain, if done religiously & earnestly will eventually destroy the nervous system !
The swelling of the “ego”
The ego gets fortified by the seemingly successful exercising of “will” & deepens the division ; of oneself into the  controller & the controlled!....Are they different in the first place? But any spiritual sadhna is on that premises. Instead of dissolution of self which all spiritual practices aspire as end goal , it is the other way round. The more you are into meditation , the more blown is the ego balloon…….
Mindfulness/Awareness will eventually drive one crazy!!
The body with its  nervous system is  spontaneously, moment to moment acting with unparalleled intelligence & in a very competent way. The awareness/mindfulness(zen/jkrishnamurti) is only possible after the completion of a certain action with the help of thought/knowledge which is past.
It is the past trying to fit in “the now”
The organism is not interested in any such gimmicks, it is a threat to the body’s intelligence & sensitivity.


It can make one rich as there is a demand of meditation in the spiritual market –place!
One can modify slightly & start one’s own brand or follow the  traditional approach!

The “high” brought about by these meditation experiences which are on the same lines of drug –induced experiences are better than the latter as they are socially acceptable & functionally less impairing!( The shared spiritual experience of world –mind though are more accessible through drugs J

Significance & recognition
By practicing meditation, one feels  important , of being someone special, pursuing spiritual goal gives “the drive” which material accomplishment have failed to give( the crash landing though awaits at the end).
One has a decent chance to be followed by people just as one was a follower himself earlier!

It’s not that one has not visited the place one is describing. This write up arises out of conviction after years of gimmicks one played in form of meditation/mindfulness/awareness and so on and so forth!

Disclaimer;  No offence intended , this post has no intention to discourage anyone to  get off the trip!

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